16  One More for Poetry Month

As April turned into May, feeling bad for those under water literally I got under water figuratively, and so fell behind on my goal for National Poetry Month.  Here's my last for April, submitted, as Rod Serling would say, for your approval.

A Certain Kind of Man 

A certain kind of man can wear snakeskin boots, a white cowboy hatand a bola tie. He will eat steak rareand order beer in a wine bar, and no one will blink. A certain kind of manwears a tweed coat and waistcoat, a tweed hat and oxfords and half-lensed reading glasses. He will eat sushi or tapas, order tea in a bar and no one will blink. Each can be diffi-cult. Each must be diffe-rent. Neither gets diffi-dent. Neither shows defe-rence. 

Thanks for reading, and happy May!


17  Four Technical Tips for Writing


15  Final Volleys for National Poetry Month